I am Associate Professor of Philosophy at Northern Illinois University. My research mostly concerns meaning and money.


I continue to develop a novel semantic framework for both natural language and various formal systems. So far, I’ve used it for first-order logic and modal logic, under both metaphysical and deontic interpretations.


In 2018, I began writing about bitcoin and the future of money at the intersection of philosophy, economics, and computer science. I’m also a Senior Fellow with the Bitcoin Policy Institute, a non-profit, non-partisan research organization.

Select Popular Writing

Bitcoin Reserve: An Idea Ahead of its Time?” (2024, w/ Susan Joseph) TabbForum

Bitcoin Can Protect Freedom and Help Win Elections” (2024, w/ several others) Newsweek

Bitcoin as Property” (2022) Bitcoin Policy Institute

Bitcoin Stands Apart” (2022, w/ Bailey & Rettler) Cointelegraph

Bitcoin is for Anyone, Left or Right ” (2022, w/ Bailey & Rettler) USA Today

Bitcoin Behind the Veil” (2022, Bitcoin Times)

A Layperson’s Guide to Discreet Log Contracts” (2021) Atomic Thoughts

Why Bitcoin Needs Philosophy” (2020, w/ Bailey & Rettler) CoinDesk

Academic Writing

Resistance Money: A Case for Bitcoin (2024) Routledge. (w/ Bailey & Rettler)

Bitcoin is King” (2023) In J. Liebowitz (ed.), Cryptocurrency: Concepts, Technology, and Issues (w/ Bailey)

Electronic Coins” (2022) Cryptoeconomic Systems (MIT talk)

What is Bitcoin?” (2021) Inquiry

Money Without State” (2021) Philosophy Compass (w/ Bailey & Rettler)

The Moral Landscape of Monetary Design” (2021) Philosophy Compass (w/ Bailey & Rettler)


Select Media

“On what bitcoin is and other philosophical questions,” 12/20. On the Brink w/ Castle Island

“Bitcoin doesn’t care about your politics,” w/ Bailey and Rettler, 1/21. The Breakdown w/ NLW

“A Philosophical Conversation about Bitcoin,” 5/21. Digital Money Adviser

“The Metaphysics of Bitcoin,” 6/21. Micro-Digressions

“Bitcoin Behind the Veil,” 2/22. The Progressive Bitcoiner

“Bitcoin Behind the Veil,” 6/22. What Bitcoin Did

“Power, Trust and Ethics,” 4/23. DeCenter Spring Conference at Princeton University.

“What Makes Bitcoin Unique among Cryptocurrencies,” 4/23. Bitcoin Policy Institute Summit at the National Press Club.

CV || Research || Teaching

warmke@niu.edu | Department of Philosophy | NIU | DeKalb, IL 60115